CCM Chapters
Chapter One


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight


Chapter 1: A Time For New.....

Mizu woke up to a cold, crisp, morning. She got dressed and headed down the hall. She stopped at a door and knocked on it. She then opened the door and looked in. "Kero-chan,"
she asked. "are you in here?" Mizu turned bright red. "Yue-chan!" she said. (Yue getting dressed, no shirt
on. ^.^) "G-Gomen nasai, Yue-chan!"
she said and closed the door. She walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She found a note on the fridge for her. It read:
Mizu :e
We had to go to work early today, so Yue-san and Kero-chan will take care of you. Be good and help out.
Oka-san :yori

Mizu smiled and opened the fridge. "Hmm," she said. "Ill make pancakes, toast and-and-and, um-" "Eggs?" Mizu practically jumped up to the roof. She turned her head around and sighed. "You shouldn't sneak up on people, Yue-chan." she said. "Demo, oh well. Eggs it is then." Mizu got the ingredients, and set to making breakfast.
After breakfast Mizu noted that they needed groceries. *Ill go right after lunch.* she thought. "Yuki-kin!"
she called. A white cat with gold eyes came running downstairs. "You know
it's time for breakfast, don't you?" she said as her cat ate it's cat food. Mizu went into the living room and sat on the couch. She had just started to read a book, when the phone rang.
"Mushi Mushi. Koko Li." said Mizu.
"Ohayo Mizu-chan. Koko Umi."
"Ohayo Umi-chan!" said Umi.
"Ikaga des ka?" (how are things?) asked Umi.
"Ookee des." (It's okay) answered Mizu.
"Oi! Kaimono ni ikimasen ka?" (hey! Would you like to go shopping?) asked Umi.
"Umi-chan, mochiron!" (Of course Umi-chan)
"Ookee. Itsu?" (Okay. When?)
"Ano, chuushoku ato?" (Um, after lunch?) suggested Mizu.
"Ookee! Sore nara daijoobu des!" (okay! That will be fine!) said Umi.
"Ookee! Ja mata! (Okay! See you soon!)
"Ja mata!" said Umi and she hung up.
Mizu hung up the phone. "Who were you talking to?" asked Yue. Mizu looked up and smiled."I was talking to Umi-chan." she answered. "Oh. Are you best friends because her name means sea and your name means water?" he said teasingly. "well that's one reason. Demo - she's a lot like Tomoyo-oba." said Mizu. "Oh, I see."
said Yue and he started to tickle her. "Y-Y-Y-Yue-ch-chan!" she said
in-between giggles. "Well, well. It looks like the stiff moon guardian is losening up." said Kero-chan. "At least I'm not a pig." said Yue.
"WHAT?!!" yelled Kero-chan. He transformed into his true form. "Here we go again!" sighed Mizu. She then went upstairs. She stopped at her mom's room and went in. She took out the Sakura Book and went into her room. Her mother had always said that she would have these cards. She loved looking through them, but her favorite was the Watery card. Mizu loved the cards, Yue and Kero-chan as much as her mother did. She took out the watery card and looked at it. Just then Yue called her for dinner. She put the card back and closed the book. She ran downstairs and into the dinning room. She wolfed down her lunch and then ran to the door. Umi was just about to ring the door bell when Mizu opened the door. "Oi, Umi-chan!" said Mizu. "Konnichiwa Mizu-chan!" said Umi. She let Umi inside. "Who's at the door?" yelled Yue form the kitchen. "Umi-chan!" answered Mizu. She led Umi into the kitchen. "Relax Yue-chan. She knows about our powers." said Mizu. Yue looked at Umi and nodded. "Your name suits your appearance." he said.
Umi blushed. "I'm going shopping with Umi-chan ookee?" asked Mizu. Yue smiled. "Ookee." Umi and Mizu ran to the door. "And don't worry, I'll
get the groceries." yelled Mizu. "Itte kimasu!" "Ittarasshai!" yelled Yue.

At the mall...
Mizu and Umi were trying on different clothes, when they heard screams. They ran out of the store and people started running past them. Mizu went to investigate and Umi followed. Mizu saw someone who was throwing fireballs and ice crystals at stores. The minute that she got close to her, she fainted. "Mizu-chan!" yelled Umi.
She picked her up and took her back to her house.
When Umi got to the Li's she barged through the door. Mizu's mom and dad still weren't home. "Yue-san!" she yelled. Yue came into the living room. He looked at Mizu, grabbed her and lied her down on the couch. He shook her to try and wake her up but she wouldn't.
"Mizu-chan! Mizu-chan!" he yelled.
" Wake up!" cried Umi.

Mizu was underwater but she could breath. *Where am I?* she thought.
She saw a bright blue star in front of her. She walked closer to it and reached out to grab it. She touched it and her world went black.

"Mizu-chan!" sighed Umi as Mizu's eyes opened. "Where's the star?" she said as she stood up. "What are you talkiing about?" asked Umi. "There was a blue star. I reached out and - "
Mizu stopped. A blue star appeared in front of her. She touched it and the Sakura Book appeared in front of her.
The cards went out and surrounded her. One by one they all turned blue. Then the book turned blue. The blue star appeared again and it turned into a star key, like her mother's. The cards went back into the book. And that was when they saw the name on the book. Instead of Sakura, the book's name now read........


End of Chapter One.