CCM Chapters
Chapter Three


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight


 Chapter Three 

"Go Mizu-san!!!!  Score a goal Mizu-chan!!" yelled Umi.  Mizu was at her junior high soccer competition.  Mizu worked her way up to the goal... "KICK IT!!!!"  Mizu kicked it and "YOSH!!!!  MIZU-SAN!!"  She scored a goal.  "We WON!!!!" yelled Mizu.  She ran over to her friends, who immediately started to congratulate her.  "Omedetoo, Mizu-chan!" said Umi.  "Arigatou, Umi-chan." said Mizu.


          Yue had been watching the competition from the top of the school roof.  "Omedetoo, Mizu-chan." He mumbled.  Just then there was a big gust of wind that almost knocked him off the roof.  He looked down and saw that the only one standing was Mizu.  "Umi-chan!!  Wake-up, Umi-chan!!" she yelled as she tried to shake Umi awake.  Another gust of wind came and Mizu was blown far into the field.  Mizu stood up and then pulled her key out.

"Key that holds the power of the blue star,

Reveal your true form to me.

By our contract, I, Mizu the water captor commands you,

RELEASE!!" she chanted.  Her key grew into her blue staff; she grabbed it, spun it around and held it in her hands.  She then pulled out a card.  "Shield!!" she yelled.  The wind started blowing full force around Shield.  "HOOEEE!!!!" she screamed.  "Mizu-chan!!" yelled Yue, as he flew down, towards her.  "Shield let him in!" yelled Mizu.  Yue flew in and landed beside her.  "Daijoubu?" he asked.  "Hai." she lied.  She had cuts and bruises all over her arms, legs, and face.  Just then, the wind stopped.  Mizu and Yue gave a sigh of relief, and Mizu withdrew Shield.  Just as she did, a huge landslide came rushing at them.  "Wrap your branches around the landslide and stop it!!  WOOD!!" she screamed.  Wood stopped it just inches above their heads.  They waited to see if anything else would happen, but it didnt.  The Wood card returned to her and Mizu sighed in relief.  "I'll take you home." Yue said.  Mizu nodded her head as he picked her up.  She then fell asleep.


          When Mizu woke up, she was in her room in her bed.  She sat up and moaned.  Her arm really hurt.  She looked around her room and saw Yue asleep on the floor.  She smiled, and started to lie back down when  "KYAA!!!!" she screamed and held her arm.  Yue's eyes opened, he got up and sat on Mizus bed.  "Lets see your arm."  Yue said.  Mizu held out her arm.  Yue put his hands on her arm and "Your arm is broken," he said.  "You'll have to go to the hospital."  He picked her up and carried her downstairs.  "Sakura-san!" he called.  Sakura came running into the living room.  "Mizu-chan, Daijoubu?" she asked.  "Nai, Oka-san." answered Mizu.  "I have a broken arm."  "I'll take her to the hospital." said Sakura.  Yue carried Mizu to the car and helped her in.  Sakura then drove off towards the hospital.


          When Mizu got home, her arm was in a cast and up by a sling.  She walked upstairs and into her room, and then sat her bed.  Yue then walked into her room.  "Your arm feeling better?" he asked as he sat down on her bed.  "A bit." she answered.  Mizu then turned around (had been looking for a pen) and faced Yue, pointing a pen at him.  "Want to sign my cast?" she asked.  Yue looked at her and then took the pen, and signed his name.  Mizu put the pen back away and smiled.  She lied down, slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.  "Oyasumi nasai, Mizu-chan." said Yue.


End Chapter Three